If you are interested to know more about our sleep diagnostic products please contact
May 2018
The cloud features of Galaxy are extended for remote scoring and reporting. We now offer scoring services.
February 2018
The security features of insomnia services are extended. The website for marketing is now physically separated from the client support clinical
June 2017
Advanced Time Variant Analysis techniques of Galaxy were presented at ABC Summer School in the University of Amsterdam.
September 2014
Curative Medical has received SFDA (Chinese FDA) approval to sell Galaxy in China.
October 2013
The book 'Healthy Sleep in a 24-hours economy' (in Dutch) is published. The book is intended to teach people to live and sleep better in the present 24-hours
economy and cope with jet lag, shift work etc.
ISBN: 978-90-820270-0-6. Hofman, W. & Fischer, M. (2013) Gezond slapen in een
24-uurseconomie. Amsterdam:
Personal Health Institute International. 93 pages
December 2011
The Galaxy polysomnography system has received FDA premarket approval!