Research by PHI-i

Research done by Personal Health Institute International evolves around inter-twined boundaries of technology, physiology and behavior.


The diagnostic models and tools to advance sleep medicine is another area of activities. The members of the institute have already obtained a patent for modeling respiratory instability during sleep.


Besides our own research we also participate in collaborative research projects.


Recent active projects are listed below.

Personal Health Institute International is involved in the STW consortium ‘OnTime: how to fix a (broken) circadian clock’. Although our body needs to listen to the biological clock in our brain, the fact that we are part of a society implies that we also have to live according to a so-called ‘social clock’. This may lead to disturbances and even to health problems.


The aim of OnTime is to decrease these disturbances by a better synchronization between the biological clock and the social clock.

Personal Health Institute International joined forces with EUCLOCK to investigate the possible solution for monitoring and improving normal life in our 24 hours society.


We developed Clock-Watcher as a wearable and ubiquitous monitor for measuring intrinsic physiological rhythm and establishing robust ‘chronotypes’ of humans.





The goal of the NeuroSIPE program is to improve and develop new diagnostic tools for neurological disorders, through the use of closed-loop system identification techniques for the peripheral and central nervous system.


Personal Health Institute International has developed software for data acquisition, signal analysis and modeling. Galaxy is used for this purpose to interface to a special high-densitiy multiparametric version of Jupiter.